October 2004 ~ Harvest


breath me.
ruin me.
devastate me any way you will.

                                          just do something to tear.

all so i can find a way to put myself back together again.

it's the fragment of an empire.
the king's stumbling when he crawls.
somewhere in the distance waits his queen
                                                           with her sad, grey eyes.

like a storm ebbing 'way on the horizon,
                                          and all i ever wanted
                                          was to fucking drown in your tears.

wrists slit by the shards of curling breath.
cocaine nightmare overdose brought by the diligent hands of fate.
how easy it would be to give in and take the lesser-known path.

cause all of it now so easily forgotten.

a mistake.
a mishap.
a random recipe of events.

remember how your empire fragmented.
ignorant armies clashing beneath midnight.
pieces falling to disappear in swelling tides.
and the key lost somewhere in time.

                  what does it mean when the human voices wake us....

© .10.21.04. ~w.

Harvest: v. To gather (a crop); to take or kill for food, sport, or population control; to extract from a culture or a living or recently deceased body, especially for transplantation.

Author's Note: First draft, unedited.